Shri Ram Global School is a blended learning center where the learning goals are set by the faculty to match the needs of modern society. The faculty are selected, mentored, and trained to reflect our motto to provide education to students that will enable them to live up to their potential.
Our faculty are educated and experienced teachers who are scholars in their subjects and understand modern pedagogies. Their classes give information and purpose so that students can correlate classroom learning with practical application. We have an excellent team of support staff who provide our teachers with all the materials and resources to ensure learning moves at an uninterrupted pace.
Our faculty members collaborate with the best minds around the world to shape their approach to education so that our students get the highest engagement of global standards. We concentrate on critical thinking and experiential learning, supported by using technology to ensure students learn what’s relevant and essential. We will continue working towards creating a holistic learning environment for pupils and growth opportunities for our faculty.